Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 29: The steps to getting the big dreams that seem ridiculously HUGE with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 29

I find myself a little hesitant about using the word ‘dreams,’ even though I did use it in my book titled ‘Turn Dreams into Reality.’ (a free eBook at HERE)  

When I think of dreams though, I sometimes have this image in my mind of a person sitting looking up at a cloud above their head with a wondering smile of hope for the image in the cloud…that often floats away, this I personally don’t think turns dreams into reality. Action is what makes it a reality and my experience shows that ‘baby steps’ is what gets you there in the long run…pun intended. 

Yes, we dream all the time and it broadens our imagination and have you ever noticed that most of our dreams while we sleep are distorted or exaggerated and seem ridiculous? I am mostly entertained by my sleep dreams, but I’m not talking about those dreams.

We CAN have dreams in our life that seem ridiculously HUGE. I prefer to change this word to GOALS…it sounds more real to me. 

I speak of achieving goals all the time. Why? Because I personally like to help others achieve, YOU included, and it’s a buzz when I see it happen or receive letters.

I enjoy seeing the growth in people reaching their goals too, as this doesn’t happen overnight or in an instant. That’s the mistake too many people make. They give up too soon! 

If you are familiar with My Story you’d know I survived a stroke when I was 7 and was unable to walk or talk. Later in life I set a challenge to complete a marathon in 2013, only able to run 30 tentative steps in 2012. The challenge was 30 steps to a marathon in 11 months, sounds a little crazy right? Even scary at first to me. BUT when I did it with the baby step method, it was achievable! Just as I made baby steps to learn to walk again way back when I was 7yrs old. 

So here is the baby step method. It’s making small achievable goals to get to your ridiculously HUGE goal. But I always say, the first step is self-belief. It is really important to believe you CAN, as you need to have a positive mind set all the way. 

The next baby step for me was training for a 5.3km fun run in Jan. 2013. Setting a time on a goal is important. This was a huge step for me, my very first physical challenge. I trained approximately 2 months for this. I completed my first baby step goal, receiving my very first medal! Remember to celebrate after each baby step achievement, it may not be a medal. It was a buzz, it gave me confidence to keep me going and enthusiastic about my next baby step. My mind set was. READ MORE HERE

To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works! 

You can  purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE

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Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE

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