Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 31: Why wait for 2021 to be awesome? with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 31

Why wait for 2021 to be awesome?

I know 2020 has been a challenging time for all of us. Covid really stopped the world and left us with all sorts of challenges including mind, body, spirit, career…the list goes on. 

I’ve spoken briefly about covid in Episode 24, about an analogy I heard, how we are all in different boats, but in the same storm. I kinda liked that way of looking at it, as for some it has been harder than others. 

Now it is November 2020, and I am now hearing many people say ‘I look forward to 2021, surely that will be a better year.’ That’s a nice way to stay positive and look forward to the future I suppose. BUT why wait for a date? Are we miraculously going to change our attitude on January 1, 2021?

I may receive a backlash from this episode, who knows? But I am willing to hear opinions on this. 

But I have written blogs in the past, way back before covid on the mental shift, or goal setting, dream making, etc that happens in every new calendar year. And truly, I love it. I love seeing and hearing peoples enthusiasm at those times. But my point is, I really love seeing and hearing that at anytime of the year. Don’t you? 

So this brings me back to my comment at the beginning: Why wait for 2021 to be awesome? Can we make awesome NOW? 

The word I have heard a lot recently, that many successful people have used this year is ‘pivot.’ (have you been hearing that a lot too?) Basically, they have changed the direction of their business, due to current challenges, to still meet the needs of their market. This is awesome! Have you been doing this too? Even on your personal life, not just professional? I hope so. 

We have learned to be more creative and think outside the box. Have you done anything different like that this year to keep your self going, both personally or professionally? I’m sure you have. 

But many notice this as something to complain about and ignore the creativity, or new possibilities that may be different to what we are used to, but actually are sometimes even better. 

I’m going to use a few examples here, just to remind us of the possibilities that have come from this. 

1)     A client of mine who is a READ MORE HERE

I hope this episode has given you ideas of how to create an awesome year and more, right now. If you would like to chat and need help with how to get started or perhaps just a sounding board,  for you as an individual, send me an email at  to arrange a free 30 minute chat, I am only to happy to have with you. Or go to Remember, we can do this from anywhere around the world 😉

So let’s get to it. On your mark, Ready! Set! Goal!

To contact Donna for you free 30 min chat go to

To help you get started with a plan to get to your big dream, download your FREE copy of The Baby Step Method to work through the steps HERE. This works! 

You can  purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE

Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE