Ready! Set! Goal! with Donna Campisi

Episode 36: Marie Kimber speaks with Donna Campisi

Donna Campisi Episode 36

This episode is dedicated to the wonderfully flawesome and inspiring Heather Jones. An amazing & inspiring woman I will hold in my heart forever. 

Marie Kimber is a mindset coach, an inspirational speaker and co-author of ‘Change is not a Scary Word.’ 

Marie’s backstory isn’t an easy one. Marie found herself at death’s door in April 2006, she woke up one morning struggling to get out of bed. 

With seven weeks totally paralysed in intensive care and being kept alive by drugs and machines.  It took a further two months in rehabilitation learning to stand, walk and generally care for herself.

Marie returned to the real world as a shadow of her former self and needed to dig deep.

In an incredibly brave move, she ran away to Italy on her first solo trip.  It was there that she found her passion for writing and photography.  This is where the next phase of her life began. 

She found success in the world of travel writing.

But her heart was being pulled in another direction.  Having undergone an amazing transformation herself, she desperately wanted to make a difference in the lives of others and share her story as an Inspirational Speaker.

Last year, I asked Marie to join us as one of our awesome Influencers of Change as she co-authored her first book, ‘Change is not a Scary Word’ in collaboration with nine other inspiring authors, and now she is currently conducting research for her next book.

Living a life of passion and purpose, and with clients around the world, as a mindset coach, she now shifts the mindset of those wanting to scale their personal or professional life.

 Marie lives on the beach in Adelaide, in South Australia.

You can contact Marie at 

You can  purchase Change is not a Scary Word book HERE

Feel free to share this podcast with someone who needs help to reach their goal.

Kindle Edition eBook of The Unlikely Marathoner by Donna Campisi can be purchased from Amazon HERE